Monday, November 23, 2009

Day Sixty-two..Celebrate Life


It only takes a millisecond to have your life change. Well at least that's what happened to me. "You have Cancer". November 23, 2000. That's a day I will never forget. In the back of my head I had a feeling the doctor would tell me that my biopsy came back with those haunting words. Time stopped. I never fully understood how slow time can really be. The second hand of the clock on the wall of the doctor seemed to be moving in slow motion. But was it? We are all so busy in our lives, can we ever fully understand time? Those three words, YOU HAVE CANCER have impacted me and my family and friends forever.

I understand the importance of not wasting time ie "One day I will... Why not do "whatever" now? I understand the feeling of being fearful of dying. Why not live to the fullest everyday? I understand the pain of my family seeing me go through surgeries, treatments and depression. It made me realize through the pain in their eyes the need for me to fight like hell, be positive and remain positive after my year long ordeal was over and the reality of the situation was all I could think about. I understand that simplicity is far easier to maintain than complexity. I understand that I am so fortunate to have friends that rallied with us and made our life easier. I understand that I am one lucky woman. Nine years cancer free. Yipeeeeee!!!

I have one more thing to add....please have your loved ones and yourself get mammograms at forty and beyond. I am that statistic..that 1 in 1500 that got diagnosed at 39. I am the woman who would probably not be sitting here at my computer being grateful that I am alive and kicking. Please fight with me. Let your voice be heard. Let your senator and congressman know that we will not tolerate being invisible.

Why listen to Wolffie? Because I get it. I had lunch today with a dear friend who shares the same day of breast cancer diagnosis with me. She is five years cancer free. She is a beautiful soul. I am lucky to call her my friend. It's amazing what situations in life bonds people together. We have been friends longer than five years..but both being breast cancer survivors solidified us as BCBFF (breast cancer best friends for life). We understand the fears of thinking we would not raise our children. We understand the need talk freely to each other about our trials and tribulations with having gone through the process of our treatments. We understand the joys of life. We understand the need to be the best we can be without being stressed ( not always obtainable). We understand that we are blessed. Happy days ahead for us, I know.

Moral of the story: Stop. Breathe. Hug someone you love. Be free to be the best you.

Can you relate?

More will be revealed. Please come back for more.

Signing off until we meet again.

In Love and Peace,


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